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Ulangan Semester                                :  Ganjil

Mata Pelajaran                                    :  Bahasa Inggris

Kelas                                                     :  VII (Tujuh)       

Tahun Pelajaran           :  2019/2020                                                                                                           


Choose the correct answer below by choosing : a,b,c, or d   !

1.       Imran              : ‘ Good night!’

Iwan                               : ‘ ...............................!’

  1. Good night                                                                                          c. Good afternoon
  2. Good evening                                                                                      d. Good night


2.       John              : Hi !

Yohana          : Hello !

John               : How are you today?

Yohana          : I am feeling good

What kind is expressing the bold type ?

  1. Greeting                                                                                                c. Take a leave
  2. Thank                                                                                                    d. Apologize


3.       Which one is the expressing of Take A Leave below?

  1. Good morning                                                                                      c. How are you today
  2. See you later                                                                                         d. Thank you


4.     The correct writing of  2 is ......

a.       Twu                                                                                                                          c. Two

b.       Tow                                                                                                                          d. Too


5.     The correct writing of  12 is ......

a.       Twelve                                                                                                     c. Twelfe

b.       Twelefe                                                                                                    d. Tewelve


6.     The Plural form of  book is .........

a.       Books                                                                                                                      c. Booking

b.       Book                                                                                                                        d. Booker

7.     The Plural form of  Child is .......

a.       Childs                                                                                                                      c. Child

b.       Man                                                                                                                         d. Children


8.     The Singular form of  Stoves is .......

a.       Stoves                                                                                                     c. Stover

b.       Stoving                                                                                                   d. Stove


The text below is for questions number 9 to 11


Hello, my name is Sri Wahyuningsih. I am a student of SMPN 1 Biatan and I am at the first grade now. I live in DLJ resident 01. I like playing badminton. My favourite colour is green. My favourite food is meatball and my favourite drink is iced tea.

9.     Where does Sri go to school?

a.       At SMPN 1 Biatan                                                                                                                c. In Biatan Lempake

b.       At the first grade                                                                                                                   d. In DLJ resident 01


10. Who is Sri?

a.       Teacher                                                                                                                                 c. Manager

b.       Student                                                                                                                                 d. Farmer

11.  The statement below is true about Sri, except! (Pernyataan di bawah ini benar tentang Sri, Kecuali!)


a.       Sri is a student at SMPN 1 Biatan                                                                        c. Sri lives at DLJ Resident 01

b.       Sri likes meatball                                                                                                  d. Sri is in the second grade 


12.    Bob drinks eight ................ of water everyday.

  1. Plates                                                                                                                           c. Glass
  2. Glasses                                                                                                                        d. Cup

13.    There are two ................... male and female.

  1. Sexes                                                                                                            c. Boy
  2. Sex                                                                                                               d. Girls

FOR QUESTIONS NUMBER 14 TO 16. Replace the bold type with correct SUBJECTIVE PRONOUN for the sentences below!


14.    Dela buys a new shirt every year.

  1. He                                                                                                                                    c. She
  2. They                                                                                                                                d. We

 15.    My Sister and I help our mother clean the warehouse.

  1. He                                                                                                                                   c. She
  2. They                                                                                                                               d. We

 16.    The Badminton player does exercise hard to face his opponent in the final match.

  1. He                                                                                                           c. She
  2. They                                                                                                       d. We


FOR QUESTIONS NUMBER 17 TO 19. Replace the bold type with correct OBJECTIVE PRONOUN for the sentences below!


17.    Dela buys her grandmother a new shirt twice a year

  1. Him                                                                                                           c. Her
  2. Them                                                                                                         d. Us


18.    My Sister and I help our mother clean the warehouse.

  1. Him                                                                                   c. Her
  2. Them                                                                                 d. Us


19.    The Badminton player does exercise hard to face his opponent in the final match.

  1. Him                                                                                     c. Her
  2. Them                                                                                   d. Us


20.    The Plural form of the next sentence “ A fox is an animal” is ...............

a.       Foxes is an animals                                                               c. Fox  are animals

b.       Fox is an animal                                                                    d. Foxes are animals


21.   21. Kangaroos always .............. when their move to other  place.             a.Fly                                                                                                      c. Creep

b.      b. Bark                                                                                                   d. Jump


22.    The dogs .................. and run the cat

a.Fly                                                                                                      c. Creep

b.                b. Bark                                                                                                   d. Jump

The text below is for questions number 23 to 25

Text Box: 	Assalamu Alaikum wr wb, Good morning friends. Hello my name is Lela Putry. I am a student of SMPN 01 Biatan and I am at the first grade now. I am here to introduce my friend. She is Delvi Wulandari. She is one of my friend in VII.C grade. She has an athletic and slim body with 150 cm high. She has light brown skin. Her voice is soft. She has long and straight hair but she cover them by a headscarf or veil. 
	She likes chicken soup and meatball. Her favourite drink is chocolate iced. She is a smart and clever friend. She is also a kind person.






23.    Who are Lela and Delvi?

a.        a,  Teachers                                                                                           c. Classmates                                                                  

b.     b. Headmasters                                                                                    d. Families


24.    What does Delvi look like ?

a        a.  She has an athletic and fat body with 150 cm high. She has light brown skin.

b.       b. She has an athletic and slim body with 150 cm high. She has light brown skin.

c.        c. She has an athletic and slim body with 150 cm high. She has dark brown skin.

d.       d. She has an athletic and slim body with 152 cm high. She has light brown skin.


25.    “She has long and straight hair but she cover them by a headscarf or veil”  (Paragraph 1). What is “them” refers to ?   

a          a. Lela and Delvi                                                                                             c. Delvi’s hair

            b.      Lela’s                                                                                                       d. Delvi’s skin



I.                   Complete the text below with Subjective Pronoun (I/he/she/they/we/it/you) and Objective Pronoun (Me/her/him/them/us/it/you)!

Omar is my friend in the Junior High School. .............. (26)  is thirteen years old. He lives next to my house. He is one of my best friend. Yesterday I visit ......... (27)  at  RSUD Pratama talisayan because he is sick.

II.                Translate the sentences below into Indonesian

28. They knew all about my father and my mother

29. An old man asked my friend and me what the time was


III.             Introduce yourself in English! (Perkenalkan dirimu menggunakan Bhs,Inggris)



“ Do by yourself and don’t cheat each other! Kerjakan sendiri dan jangan mencontek ya”

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