Apa itu public places? Pernah kah kalian ke tempat tempat umum?
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Public Places atau dalam bahasa
indonesia artinya tempat umum. coba kalian simak nama - nama Public Places di bawah ini,ya!
- school = Sekolah
- mosque = mesjid
- train station = stasiun kereta
- airport = bandara
- amusement park = taman hiburan
- clinic = klinik
- cinema = bioskop
- cafe = kafe
- cafetaria = kantin
- town hall = balai kota
- post office = kantor pos
- coffee shop = warung kopi
- bank = bank
- barbershop = tukang cukur
- bus station = halte bus
- bookstore = toko buku
- gift shop = toko hadiah
- hotel = hotel
- gym = gym
- inn = penginapan
- ice cream shop = toko eskrim
- funeral home = rumah duka
- kiosk store = warung pinggir jalan
- library = perpustakaan
- gas station = SPBU
- mall = mall
- market = pasar
- restaurant = restoran
- park = taman
- stadium = stadion
- supermarket = supermarket
- pet shop = toko hewan peliharaan
- university = universitas
- zoo = kebun binatang
Perhatikan gambar di bawah ini !
Airport = Bandara
amusement park = taman hiburan
antique shop = toko barang antik
appliance store = toko alat-alat
art gallery = galeri seni
art museum = museum seni
aquarium = akuarium
auditorium = auditorium
Bakery = bakery
Bank = bank
Bar = bar
Barbershop = tukang cukur
beauty salon = salon kecantikan
bed and breakfast = motel
bistro = bistro
bookstore = toko buku
boutique = butik
bus station = halte bus
butcher shop = toko daging
Café = kafe
Cafeteria = kantin
camera store = toko kamera
candy shop = toko permen
capitol building = gedung DPR
car dealership = dealer mobil
car wash = tempat cuci mobil
cinema = bioskop
city hall = balai kota
clinic = klinik
clothing store = toko pakaian
coffee shop = warung kopi
college = kuliah
community center = pusat komunitas
convenience store = toko
copy shop = tukang potokopian
courthouse = pengadilan
dance studio = studio tari
delicatessen = toko makanan
department store = department store
dentist's office = kantor dokter gigi
diner = diner
discount store = toko diskon
doctor's office = kantor dokter
dollar store = toko penukaran uang
dressmaker = penjahit
drugstore = apotek
electronics store = toko elektronik
fabric store = toko kain
factory outlet = factory outlet
farmer's market = pasar petani
fast food restaurant = restoran cepat saji
feed store = toko pakan
fire station = stasiun pemadam kebakaran
florist = toko bunga
food court = tempat makan
funeral home = rumah duka
furniture store = toko furnitur
Gallery = galeri
game store = toko game
gas station = SPBU
gift store = toko hadiah
grocery store = toko
gym = gym
Hairdresser = penata rambut
hardware store = toko hardware
hobby store = toko hobi
home improvement store = toko perbaikan rumah
hotel = hotel
ice cream shop = toko es krim
inn = penginapan
jewelry store = toko perhiasan
kiosk store = kios
Library = perpustakaan
Mall = Mall
Market = Pasar
motel = motel
movie theater = teater film
museum = museum
music store = toko musik
natural history museum = museum sejarah alam
office building = gedung kantor
optometrist = dokter mata
outlet store = toko outlet
Park = taman
parking garage = garasi parkir
pawnshop = pegadaian
pet store = toko hewan peliharaan
pharmacy = apotek
pizza place = toko pizza
playground = tempat bermain anak
police station = kantor polisi
post office = kantor pos
pub = pub
public garden = taman umum
quilt store = toko selimut
real estate agency = agen real estate
repair shop = bengkel
restaurant = restoran
retailer = pengecer
Salon = salon
sandwich shop = toko roti isi
school = sekolah
shoe store = toko sepatu
shop = toko
soda shop = toko soda
sporting goods store =toko barang olahraga
stadium = stadion
stationery store = toko alat tulis
store = toko
supermarket = supermarket
Tailor = tukang jahit
tea house = rumah teh
theater = teater
thrift store = toko barang bekas
town hall = balai kota
toy store = toko mainan
train station = stasiun kereta
travel agent = agen perjalanan
truck stop = pemberhentian truk
University = universitas
video store = toko video
wax museum = museum lilin
Zoo = Kebun binatang
- There are many animals in the zoo (ada banyak binatang di kebun binatang)
- Kids are playing in the park (anak-anak bermain di taman)
- We are studying at school (kami belajar di sekolah)
- Me and my mother go to the market every morning (aku dan ibuku pergi ke pasar setiap pagi)
- The bookstore was so crowded because there is a discount (toko bukunya sangat penuh karena sedang ada diskon)
- We stays in the hotel for two days (kami tinggal di hotel selama dua hari)
- We will go to the cinema in the end of the week (kami akan pergi ke bioskop pada akhir pekan)
- People are waiting for bus in the bus station (orang-orang sedang menunggu bis di halte bis)
- I buy you a present in the gift shop (aku membelikanmu hadiah di toko hadiah)
- We go to the pet shop to buy some food for our cats (kami pergi ke toko hewan untuk membeli makanan untuk kucing kami)
1. Naila wants to ……………..daily needs at the market.
a. Borrow
b. Buy
c. Bring
d. Save
2. He is going to ……… to borrow book.
a. Bookstore
b. Books market
c. Library
d. Laboratory
3. Kevin and Merry …….. to go to the cinema.
a. Wants
b. Want
c. Wanting
d. Wanted
4. The cat and the dog ……behind the tree.
a. Is
b. Am
c. Are
d. Were
5. (+)
Ghifar wants to go the zoo.
(-) ……..
a. Don’t Ghifar wants to go to the zoo.
b. Doesn’t Ghifar wants to go to the zoo.
c. Ghifar don’t want to go to the zoo.
d. Ghifar doesn’t want to go the zoo.
Questions number 6-10 based on the text.
Audrey feels sick. Her head is dizzy. She asks Dion to accompany her to check her health.
The doctor said that Audrey has to rest and drink the medicine in order to get better soon.
6. Why does Audrey want to check her health?
a. Because she wants to meet doctor
b. Because she wants to go to the hospital
c. Because she feels sick
d. Because she wants to drink medicine
7. Who is a friend that accompanies her?
a. Dion
b. Audrey
c. She
d. The doctor
8. What is her illness (penyakit)?
a. Sick
b. Stomachache
c. Headache
d. Dizzyache
9. Where does she go?
a. Hospital
b. Shop
c. Apotek
d. Doctor
10. What does the doctor say?
a. She has to play
b. She has to rest
c. She has to drink coffee
d. She has to go to school
Jawablah Soal Dibawah ini Dengan Nama tempat Umum (Public Places) Yang tepat
- we can see many animals in the_______
- my family will eat in a new_______
- I will go to______with my friends to meet my teacher
- My mom asks me to buy sugar in the________
- my father goes to______today to work
- I will borrow a book in_________
- will you watch football in the_________?
- I see prisoners in the________
- Let’s play in the______
- I will swim in the_______
- My grandfather is sicks, so he goes to_______
- I see many __________in Jakarta
- Jogjakarta has many______
- I will wait train in the________
- _________keeps me from rain and hot
- Prince and princess live in the________
- Moslem pray in the______
- My mom always buys vegetables in the______
- You can do exercise in the______
- you can buy book and pencils in _______
- you can watch movie in____________
- I buy a gift in the_______
- I go to bali and sleep in_____
- The christians pray in the___________
- You can report a thief in_______
Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.
1. A place to watch sports is …………….
2. There is a robbery in the street. I have to report the crime in the …..
3. Jack wants to go to the cinema. He wants to ………………. movie.
4. Bank is a place to save ………
5. I want to eat curry. I have to go to the …………………..
6. We post a ………………in the post office.
Answer the questions with” is/am/are” or “do/does”
7. I …………. a student.
8. The children ……….. in the playground.
9. ………… she want to go to the zoo?
10. What ………….do you want to do?
Answer the questions with the best answers.
1. Make this positive (+) sentence into negative(-) and interrogative(?) sentences!
a. (+) Dean wants to go the hospital.
b. (-) …………………………………………………..
c. (+)…………………………………………………..
2. Nasla : Where are you going?
Nilam: …………………………… the mall.
Nasla : What do you want to buy?
Nilam : I want to ……….. a T-shirt.
3. Arrange these jumble words into a correct sentence.
go - Mr and Mrs. Harun – want – do - ?- to - the villa –to