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Apakah Singular dan Plural Nouns itu ?
Contoh :
Kata benda (noun) dapat dibedakan menjadi bentuk singular dan plural. Singular noun berarti kata benda tunggal, sedangkan plural nouns berarti kata benda jamak/lebih dari satu.
Berikut penjelasan keduanya:
- Singular Noun: A cat is a mammal.
- Plural nouns : Cats are mammals.
Bentuk Singular dan Plural Nouns
Kata benda tunggal (singular noun) dan bentuk kata benda jamak (plural nouns) adalah sebagai berikut:
- Kata benda jamak (plural nouns) umumnya dibentuk dari kata benda tunggal (singular noun) yang ditambah akhiran -s.
Singular | Plural |
dog | dogs |
cat | cats |
day | days |
house | houses |
- Kata benda tunggal (singular noun) yang berakhiran ch, sh, ss, atau x ditambah akhiran -es.
Singular | Plural |
church | churches |
brush | brushes |
kiss | kisses |
box | boxes |
- Kata benda tunggal (singular noun) yang berakhiran o ditambah akhiran -es, namun beberapa kata benda lainnya yang berakhiran o hanya ditambah -s.
Singular | Plural |
potato | potatoes |
tomato | tomatoes |
hero | heroes |
Singular | Plural |
kilo | kilos |
photo | photos |
kimono | kimonos |
piano | pianos |
dynamo | dynamos |
video | videos |
studio | studios |
- Kata benda tunggal (singular noun) berakhiran y dimana huruf sebelumnya adalah konsonan, bentuk jamaknya ditambah akhiran -ies.
Singular | Plural |
baby | babies |
country | countries |
lady | ladies |
- Kata benda tunggal (singular noun) berakhiran f atau fe bentuk jamaknya ditambah akhiran -ves.
Singular | Plural |
calf | calves |
half | halves |
knife | knives |
leaf | leaves |
life | lives |
loaf | loaves |
self | selves |
sheaf | sheaves |
shelf | shelves |
thief | thieves |
wife | wives |
wolf | wolves |
- Perubahan tidak beraturan dari bentuk tunggal (singular) kedalam bentuk jamak (plural).
Singular | Plural |
foot | feet |
goose | geese |
louse | lice |
man | men |
mouse | mice |
tooth | teeth |
woman | women |
child | children |
ox | oxen |
person | people |
- Kata benda tunggal (singular noun) mempunyai bentuk yang sama dengan kata benda jamak (plural nouns).
Singular | Plural |
fish | fish |
species | species |
sheep | sheep |
aircraft | aircraft |
Keyword untuk Singular dan Plural Nouns
Ada beberapa kata kunci yang dapat mengindikasikan apakah suatu benda itu termasuk singular atau plural. kata kunci tersebut antara lain:
Singular Noun (Benda Tunggal) | Plural Nouns (Benda Jamak) |
each | both |
every | two |
single | many |
one | several |
a/an | various |
Contoh Kalimat menggunakan Singular Noun
- I have a book.
- The student wears a uniform.
- My father drinks a glass of coffee.
- It’s going to be rain. Please bring an umbrella!
- The girl lost her key. She couldn’t enter the room.
Contoh Kalimat menggunakan Plural Nouns
- I need some pencils.
- He joined several communities.
- The students visited Bandung Zoo.
- The children are playing football.
- Would you like to buy me two kilos of sugar?
Isilah titik berikut ini dengan benar !
Soal Essay 1
Latihan soal pilihan ganda. pilihlah jawaban yang kamu anggap paling benar!
Latihan Soal 1
Pilihlah jawaban yang kamu anggap paling benar!
- Singular - plural forms of some words are given below. Which one is incorrect?
person - people
woman - women
child - children
pen - pencil
- Choose the incorrect response.
watch – watches
chair - chaires
table - tables
computer - computers
- These _________ aren’t green. They are black.
- Choose the incorrect response.
baby - babys
teddy - teddies
guitar - guitars
cousin - cousins
- There are four _________ on the desk.
- How many ___________ are there in the classroom?
- There is a red __________ under the chair.
- How many _______ are there in your school bag?
- I have got __________ brothers.
- Which one is incorrect?
cat - cats
dres - dresses
children - childrens
eye- eyes
Latihan Soal 2
Pilihlah A,B,C,atau D menurut kamu yang paling benar !
1. The ... are playing happily in
the school park.
A. child
B. childs
C. children
D. childish
2. The cat is chasing the ......
A. mica
B. mice
C. mouse
D. mouses
3. Look Niar is carryng four ....
A. box
B. boxs
C. boxing
D. boxes
4. Hanny : Who are ...?
Andy : They are my father's friends.
A. the man
B. those men
C. that man
D. those mans
5. Ria : How long have you waited?
Henry : For about ....
A. a hours
B. hours
C. an hour
D. a hour
6. The following plural forms are incorect, EXCEPT ....
A. three carrotes
B. theree potatoes
C. five blanketes
D. two foxs
For questions 7 to 10, choose the
correct words to complete the sentence.
There are (7) ..., (8) ..., (9) ... and (10) ... on the table.
7. A. a strawberry
B. strawberry
C. strawberrys
D. strabrries
8. A. a grape
B. grape
C. graps
D. grapes
9. A. a watermelon
B. watermelon
C. watersmelon
D. watermelons
10. A. a orange
B. an orange
C. some orange
D. some oranges
11. The ... crying loudly
A. baby
B. babis
C. babys
D. babies
12. Miss Susy bought a kilo of ... and two kilos of ....
A. tomato, mango
B. tomato, mangos
C. tomato, mangoes
D. tomatoes, mangoes
For questions 13 to 15, choose
the correct words to complete the sentence.
Mr. Sardi has (13) ..., two (14) ... and some (15) ...
13. A. an ox
B. a oxen
C. an oxen
D. some ox
14. A. sheep
B. sheps
C. sheeps
D. sheepes
15. A. goose
B. gooses
C. geese
D. geeses
16. I don't like eating in the restaurant. It is not healthy. There are always
... flying around the food.
A. fly
B. flys
C. fyes
D. flies
17. The little girl saw two ... in the forest.
A. fox
B. foxs
C. foxes
D. foxen
18. Boys like playing with ....
A. toy car
B. toy cars
C. toyes car
D. toys car
19. This baby has one tooth, but that baby has three ....
A. tooth
B. tooths
C. teeth
D. teeths
20. Which of the following plural forms is grammatically INCORRECT?
A. Melissa brings a pile of dishes
B. are those girls your classmate?
C. theree are insects in your drink
D. I put three cakes in the box
21. Harry : ... are my brother's photos
Nani : You have a handsome brother
Harry : Thanks
A. it
B. its
C. this
D. these
22. What does the boy say?
A. this is my sister Harni
B. that is my sister Harni
C. these are my sister Harni
D. those are my sister Harni
23. Nanda : Look at what I am bringing! ... are my new books. I bought them yesterday
Nani : Wow! So interesting!
A. that
B. those
C. this
D. these
24. ... my classmates
A. this is
B. that is
C. these are
D. those are
25. Rika : Where is your new bike?
Tiara : Over there, near the fence ....
A. those are
B. this is
C. these are
D. that is
26. ... the place and ... the spoons I bought from Alva supermarket.
The suitable words to complete the sentence are ....
A. this is, that is
B. this is, those are
C. those are, this is
D. these are, those are
27. ... my book
A. those are
B. this is
C. these are
D. that is
28. ... an umbrella
A. those are
B. this is
C. these are
D. that is
29. ... my pencils. Those are Ida's pens
A. those are
B. this is
C. these are
D. that is
For questions 30 and 31, choose the correct words to complete the sentence.
(10) ... Iwan, my brother. (11) ... our house.
30. A. those
B. this is
C. these are
D. that is
31. A. those are
B. this is
C. these are
D. that is
32. Ria : What are you holding?
Tonny : ... key holders, souvenirs from my brother who studies in Singapore.
A. those are
B. these are
C. this is
D. that is
33. ... kendangs
A. those are
B. this is
C. these are
D. that is
34. Budi : Hey, the animals are so funny.
Mika : Yeah ....
A. these are aquirrels
B. this are squirrels
C. those are squirrels
D. it is squirrels
35. Which of the following statements is grammatically CORRECT?
A. this mobile phones are for sale
B. those mobile phones is for sale
C. this mobile phones is for sale
D. these mobile phones are for sale
36. What does the boy say?
A. what is this?
B. what is that?
C. what are these?
D. what are those?
37. Lala : Look at ... I are they pigeons?
Retta : I don't think so.
A. a bird
B. this bird
C. that birds
D. those birds
For questions 38 to 39, choose the correct words to complete the dialog.
Nia : What are you making?
Johny : Well, a bird from paper. Look! (18) ... the paper-animals I have made.
Nia : You are really skillful. By the way, (19) ... color pens for?
Johny : They are for drawing the eyes.
Nia : I see. What about (20) ... ? Is it for hanging the animals?
Johny : Yes, you're right.
38. A. those is this
B. this is
C. these is
D. that is
39. A. what is this
B. what is that
C. what are this
D. what are these
40. A. this thread
B. this threads
C. these threads
D. those threads
sumber tulisan
1. https://www.google.com/search?q=SINGULAR+AND+PLURAL+in+mind+map&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjQvpbM-5DrAhX3DrcAHfWmAXcQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=SINGULAR+AND+PLURAL+in+mind+map&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQA1DdfFjEgwFgjIoBaABwAHgAgAFqiAHlA5IBAzQuMZgBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nwAEB&sclient=img&ei=mGkxX9CSKPed3LUP9c2GuAc&bih=626&biw=1366&client=firefox-b-d&safe=strict#imgrc=Hns2CZdP_YBDvM
2. https://www.google.com/search?q=SINGULAR+AND+PLURAL+&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjv5Z3V-5DrAhW40nMBHdpbB4IQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=SINGULAR+AND+PLURAL+&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIECCMQJzIECCMQJzICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAOgQIABATOggIABAFEB4QEzoICAAQCBAeEBNQiZgPWJ6wD2CetA9oAXAAeACAAXmIAdcKkgEDOS41mAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=q2kxX6_kJ7ilz7sP2redkAg&bih=626&biw=1366&client=firefox-b-d&safe=strict#imgrc=7Y2yMiUePE1H7M
3. https://kelasbahasainggris.com/penjelasan-lengkap-singular-dan-plural-nouns/
4. https://www.google.com/search?q=exercise+of+singular+and+plural+nouns&safe=strict&client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ALeKk02iN2ESD8osYhZ0WuoMesCehf4cHw:1597076432143&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=VQN17ERnz3mq8M%252C4-LGjN5Ln2VlQM%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kTzqpMYxHEop7v9ZTP8NYymSRQZ2A&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwixzaqrhZHrAhWVb30KHX-LBfsQ9QEwAHoECAoQEA&biw=1366&bih=626#imgrc=yJ9jZo26WcJ-gM
5. https://www.elt-els.com/2018/12/singular-and-plural-nouns-multiple.html
6. https://searchsoal.blogspot.com/2020/01/kumpulan-40-contoh-soal-singular-plural.html